Sunday, September 20, 2009

Dedicating this song to Bright Shobhit Kaushal!

I know he lived for others.. and probably he died for others t show guts even in his appraoching death.. I particularly went to see his exhibtion.. and it was intensely passionate work.. I Did want to sing this song to you passionately when he was alive.. for he lived this song well.. I know that without having met him even once..

Manna De song for my Dost-Didi (Kashmira Di) and rest of the blog friends too.. Brother aap bhi sun sakate ho.. I could not find the link with picturised version of the song..
Apne liye jiye to kya jiyee-dil tu jee zamaane ke liye..bujhate diye jalaane ke liyetu jee e-dil zamaane ke liye..
and in essence it just says..
what use is it to just live for one’s own selfoh! my heart just live for the rest of the world
Love this song.. no, singing Manna Dey is much more diffciult for me.. than singing a Mukesh Ji’s or Kishore da’s song..

If we can light a small candle, hold a gentle flower, whisper an affection towards the other, what a wonderful world we could create.

Wonderful Brother! Wonderful thoughts !! and Wonderful Expectations !!!

I need to touch your feet and seek blessings that I too am able to imbibe some of tese wonderful feelings into my existence.. I seek thy blessings that many others are able to look at the world that you do.. that we could only bring some harmony in our surroundings.. that we could extend brotherhood in a sense of belonging to this world.. as a matter of fact this shall in no uncertain terms give peace a chance to prevail amongst us amongst our races, amongst different cultures and religions and pave the path for a beautiful existence in simple yet strong inhabitants of this earth..

I do struggle at times to put forth my views as clear as I would have loved to.. but not today.. today I am convinced.. today I am having faith.. today I am enlightened by the path you have shown.. I am confident that many amongst the FmXt would have loved to epxress their solidarity in your above comments.. that many would have felt much the same way as I do as I write these wrods.. some may give much more meaningful words to express themselves, some may just act as expected and exhibit exemplary behaviour for others to follow.. I follow your words and understand the divinity in your thoughts and expectations..

You brother may not be the messenger of the god.. you brother may not be a messiah.. you may also not be one of the Kabeer or Mahatma.. but today I feel you are above all those decorations when you express your such desires as has been the subject of this post.. I am overwhelmed by the fact that how well you are able to express yourself in simple words yet express yourself quite strongly.. it is a rare quality.. a quality that we did see in the 1935 creation of Madhushala by Dr. Bachchan.. the same rare quality which made Mohandas Karmachand Gandhi the Mahatma.. and also the great patriotic feeling that our beloved Bhagat Singh displayed in his fight against the British.

If I sound sycophantic so be it.. I am not afraid of being labelled thus anymore.. If I sound a little too optimistic so be it.. I am fond of being optimistic henceforth.. If I sound extravagant with my words.. I say I wish to be much more extravagant..

Today I wish to dedicate myself to this noble cause of living for not ourselves alone but for others.. what if the others constitute an unknown unseen folks.. it does not matter anymore.. what if I may not be able to say what I want to say to them on personal emails or a letter or over phone.. it again does not concern me anymore.. what if have just this blog to send the signals of empathy and to pray for the well being of others.. it certainly does not restrict me anymore..

I Abhaya Sharma herewith announce that I have great faith in the thoughts and beliefs of my mentor, my great brother and an outstanding individual amongst our generation.. the Amitabh Bachchan of this world .. I shall not indulge in any divisive acts of human race knowingly or unknowingly.. I shall love every living being on this earth without any discriminations or differences.. I shall work towards a goal for the well being of my surroundings as best as possible in my own limited capacity.. I pray to the almighty to give me strength.. to provide me the light when there is darkness surrounding me.. to be able to execute and implement my intense desire to walk on the path of humanity.. to be able to promote peace, harmony and brotherhood as much as possible and sometimes beyond my capacity..

मेरे अधरों पर जो
गीत तुम्हारे होते
तुम होते मेरे न होते
गीत तुम्हारे मेरे होते

हे मीत तुम्हारे गीत
मधुर कितना इनका संगीत
चली आई है जग में रीत
गीत संगीत में बसती प्रीत

चलो कर ले इस जग से प्रीत
जन्म दें एक नया फिर गीत
प्रीत का प्रण करता संगीत
मधुर है कितने मेरे मीत ।

अभय शर्मा

I know I can not translate the above and still retain the intensity of the message.. I am not trained to do that.. even the trained ones can not do much justice in some cases.. all I can provide here for my dearest Rose, Rochelle and Rasha is ..

If I could ever sing
the songs composed by you
eve if you were not mine
your songs would have been

Oh my friends your songs
how much they ooze with love
it is the ritual of this world
in music alone the love exists

come let us all love this world more
create new song with some new words
the song that promises just pure love
how blissful would be !

Abhaya Sharma

I see a faint smile on your face brother as you first read the Hindi and than the English.. and conspicuously smiling how inadequate I had been able to express myself in English even in essence.. what to do.. I have not been trained to think and write in English.. even after fifty years and about 9 out of the 10 years I tried and tried my best to be able to use English as best as possible.. it does not come around.. the thinking and creating poetry for me would always be have to be in Hindi alone.. it is a different matter that it may still lack substance.. it may still not be able to express my hidden intense desire.. it may not turn out to be loved by others.. still my limitatons are all well known to me.. So Sis Rose, Carla and Zhenya you would need to forgive your this Hindi brother for not being able to express himself in an international language as well as in his own mother tongue.. I know Carla is whispering to Zhenya.. chalo maaf kiya.. and Zhenya tells Rose.. koi baat nahi dost.. and Sis Rose nodding at their words.. theek hai abhaya bhai.. theek hai..

I hope my three friends did enjoy the little conversation.. actually speaking I simply used name to make it interesting.. to me the three of them simply represent the good people on this earth.. They could as well have been replaced by anyone who does not understand Hindi.. and some of them are from India as well.. (Oh I did not realise this was a sort of post script.. that sounds like the return of old Abhaya Sharma.. who would never know that he had finished or expressed that he had been done with his post ad still goes on talking to all of you.. I am sorry I am not in control of my own..

My love to all.. may Goddess Durga bless you all

Abhaya Sharma

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