Thursday, September 24, 2009

The Question of the God and Belief

Dear Rochelle
I would have loved to know why someone like Shobhit Kaushal despite all his talent and utility had to depart from this world sooner than he should have .. and Gisele has not come to terms of her own severe loss in the form of deat of Patrick.. I know she can never ever get him back.. however hard we try..
Anyway the original post has been included here to pay respect to the dear Shobhit Kaushal.. He lives even after his death..
Respected Brother
Sadar Charan Sparsh
I return immediately after serving the baasi post.. like baasi eid.. yet I know there is no harm.. this post was wrietten in th very-very late hours and some people like me.. who do not return to previous day.. nothing wrong in that.. beeti tahi bisaar de aage ki sudhi leya.. The imperative here is not for seeking their approval.. the implementation was for more f them to know me little better.. to know me with all my limtations.. to understand that I have no one reason to remember few and forget the new.. to be able to give an assurance to you that you still indeed are the central character of this blog.. that it is because of my love for you that I too have got some love from not alone you but hunfreds of the ones who are just like me..
I think and strongly feel that your blog is more of a temple or a mosque or even a church where we all go with some faith on our mind.. with some ways to express ourselves unto you as we would have probably done to some we think of as God..
Now Rochelle, even if god does not exist.. I would still look for him.. I would still go some distance in search of him.. no, no not to just pray and seek his blessings alone.. I need to thank him for inspiration to write here on this blog.. to be able to express thanks to all his creations in me and you and the loving human beings that are coming here too..
Even if God does not exist.. I do not mind to believe in him.. for simple belief in him raises the love factor in me.. the belief in him drives me forward to be a better human being.. the same belief helps me in treating myself and others with little more dignity.. we may or may not hae been his creations.. despite being a scientist I still can not answer some vwery fundamental questions where did we all come from.. whether a man or a woman emerged on this beautiful earth.. whether it was the hen or was it the egg that really came first.. whether we all came in our original shapes or we were evolutionary they say that we are the descendants of the monkeys.. is there any input that could go and prove it.. prove how really life came to earth.. water they say was a molecule of life.. and so did they find it on the moon’s surface yesterday.. why on moon no life existed.. what went where when big bang drifted.. no my dear friend.. I am not here to argue or try convert you.. that would be the last thing that Abhay would ever do..
I know you have faith.. even if you express it other way.. the moment you act in a certain way and not otherwise atleast I know that you have faith in being human and t live like humans.. yet many a greats commit some silly mistakes..Everybody knows that life is short.. and we do not know if get it once more.. still we talk of rebirths and the sort.. oh! what unnecessary argument I have got into with someone I really love.. no, there is no condition in my mnd that I shall love only those who love me.. that is should talk of only those who talk of me.. I know I can not reply to everyone I love.. so I tell my God to tell them such (the english as well as hindi such)..
Bhaai, if I have been unkind, unfair or unpleasnt to anyone I know I am a simple human being first.. like all others I too have my own share of bad and or even good luck.. what constitutes luck.. why we all have different fate.. why are some born as cats and some are born to love the cats.. Daisy M is smiling she has recently adopted the big cat her dream.. and that she thinks that it is the tiger in you.. (sorry.. sorry.. for going into the secret desires of others..).. why do we desire anyone eh.. and why do we desire different things too.. Will it be ever possible for a man to know what is good for one may be bad for some.. They say one man’s meat is another man’s poison.. or some such things..
I know Rochelle is fuming over me.. for my bullish remarks.. dear it is not directed unto you.. I was just talking to my ownself rather than anyone of you..
Yeah! I realise it has not come good.. we should not ask questions which we can not answer.. we should not raise doubts that can never be cleared.. we should simply survive and continue to live the way we have been living this life.. no attachments.. no affection.. no passions.. and definitely no obsessions for anything we like..
I come to an abrupt end.. yet I shall not deprive the ones who love music and love it too well.. they are right.. music is really a thing to love..
Mian pyaar ka raahi hoon
teri julf ke saaye mein
kuchh der thahar jaaoon
Tum ek musafir ho
kab chhoD ke chal doge
yeh soch ke ghabaraoon..
Mai pyaar ka raahi hoon..

Sorry folks I could not get a link to this original song on youtube.. here is a link for it.. it just shows Rafi and Asha.. that is good enough for people like me.. who love the song than its picturisation..
( Dedicating to my friend Rochelle.. (who writes here a lot) and Gisele Barbosa.. (who never writes here..) I know they would not understand.. why!! they don’t know Hindi..)
Love as usualAbhaya Sharma September 25 2009

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